FDNY’s Building Operations Maintenance and Recordkeeping Classes Required For FSD Certificate of Fitness
In October 2010 the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) issued a new requirement for Fire Safety Directors (FSDs).
Pursuant to § 113-02 Fire Safety Director Certificates of Fitness, at the time of renewal of such certificate during the period from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2014, successful completion of a continuing education course that addresses issues of building operation, maintenance and recordkeeping must be completed
In order to renew your existing Fire Safety Director (FSD) certificate of fitness, FSDs are required to attend an eight hour Building Operations Maintenance and Recordkeeping (BOMR) course. The BOMR course is not a replacement for the FSD course. BOMR teaches additional, new material that was not previously taught in the FSD course prior to October 2010.
Many Fire Safety Directors still must take and pass the Building Operations Maintenance and Recordkeeping course to avoid either an additional fee upon renewal, or the risk of losing their Fire Safety Director Certificate of Fitness
If you received an FSD Certificate of Fitness prior to October 2010, and have not yet taken, and passed the BOMR course and renewed at Metro Tech, you may have to pay an additional fee or be required to re-take the entire 20 hour course.
If you became a Fire Safety Director after October 2010, you are not required to take the BOMR course to renew your certificate.
To learn more about our Building Operations Maintenance and Recordkeeping class please visit http://firesafetydirectors.
If you have any questions or concerns about your Fire Safety Director Certificate of Fitness we recommend you contact a Fire Safety Director by calling 212.285.2400 for more information or visit http://firesafetydirectors.